Welcome to my essential oil’s world. Today I discus What is the essential oils. I will be prepared to safely use essential oils for you and your loved ones. I believe you’ll have a lot of fun in this content.

meditechtips.com what is essential oils

Essential oils are amazingly complex compounds with a volatile aromatic chemistry. Derived from the raw plants, seeds, roots, bark, resin and other flowers found in mother nature.

The Earth’s natural resources were given to us. For our help healing and happiness and when properly grown harvested extracted and

Bottled we unlock the mysterious and almost magical healing properties out of the very ground.

 We walk on while there may be many different grades of This oils.

 The highest quality of 100% pure natural essential oils is very potent. And the only grade recommended by the oil university. Some people refer to this highest grade as therapeutic.

While others call it clinical or pharmaceutical grade some might even just say. It’s the highest grade of essential oils available.

Ultimately the only way to know exactly what grade of oils. You’re using is to have a certified chemist to decipher a GC ms analysis report (also known as gas chromatography mass spectrometry).

This oils are used by millions of people around the world. For healing, dieting, cleaning, cooking, sleeping, relaxing, focusing and beautifying.

 Some have very profound healing and protecting properties that are antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial.

 While others are used to alleviate symptoms and provide relief from common ailments. Such as the cold congestion for the flu worldwide.

Awareness of the benefits of essential oils continues to grow each year. And have become more mainstream in recent years the quality of an essential oil is determined by many different factors.

 Including where and how the plant is grown and harvested time of year.

 That harvest takes place where and how long the extraction of the oil takes place.

 The method of extraction used and how the oil is bottled and stored.